"I launched BurgerFit with one simple idea:
To get people eating more vegetables, even if they don't like them."
- Alane
My Journey
I’ve always struggled with my weight and, in my twenties, I had gotten to the point where I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I had tried so many diets and nothing had ever worked. Losing weight and keeping it off is hard. At that time in my life, I had just gotten married and my husband is tall and skinny. He has never had to think about weight loss. My husband and I also owned our own company, which involved traveling all of the time, so I was constantly eating out. I had to figure something out.
I started making small changes over time so that I wouldn’t lose a bunch of weight and then gain it back.
It was more like I was running a weight loss marathon and not a weight loss sprint. Those small changes made the difference for me.
A huge component of my weight loss success was replacing meals that I usually ate with bread and carbs with vegetables. Through my cooking transition, I realized how much my family did not “like” vegetables, so I had to come up with something.
And that is how BurgerFit was born!
How we got here

Alane’s health scare prompted better eating habits.
Alane lost 40 lbs, while her hard-headed father and brother would not eat vegetables.

Alane made her first meat and veggie burger, and Micah encouraged her to make a cookbook called BurgerFit.
Fletcher was born and BurgerFit was discovered to be “kid approved”.

Alane loses baby weight and continues to maintain her 40 lb weight loss.
Alane continued perfecting the BurgerFit recipes.

Officially launches BurgerFit!