Baby Eczema on Face
Fletcher had been suffering with eczema break outs for months.
We had tried everything from dermatologists to natural home remedies.
What we did.
My poor son started having terrible baby eczema on his face starting at three months old. I tried everything – every cream, every bath wash, every home remedy essential oil blend, and I even took him to an allergist at six months old…only to be told his results were inconclusive. It was horrible and nothing was helping. At my wits’ end, I contacted a holistic healer who realized that Fletcher’s eczema was a result of the eczema I had developed mid-pregnancy. I was suffering from a gut imbalance, which means I had way too much bad yeast in my stomach and intestines (Yeast is normal in your gut, but sometimes it can get out of control and overtake your healthy gut bacteria. An overgrowth of yeast and other bad bacteria can show itself in many ways, and not everyone has the same reactions. Mine happened to be eczema). In short, I was passing the eczema on to Fletcher through my breast milk.
I was already eating pretty well by that time. I had maintained my forty-pound weight loss for years and had already started losing my baby weight. But I still had more dietary changes I needed to make. I reduced my sugar intake even more. Oats, sweet treats, and alcohol (which was very little) were all things in my diet that needed to be removed since they act as food for the bad bacteria and yeast. I used Whole30 as a guide to help me reduce the foods that turn to sugars during digestion. I would also cook BurgerFit burgers and put them over greens for quick meals and keep me on track.
Just a week after changing my diet, I saw results and little Fletcher’s skin looked A LOT better. His baby eczema eventually completely disappeared, and we’ve never looked back!
The best home remedy for baby eczema
was simply changing my diet.
We started to see the eczema on his face improve within days!
Then the baby eczema went away completely!
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