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Fresh Foods You Can Easily Freeze for Later
While there is no reason to panic buy at the grocery store right now, chances are, there may still be a shortage of what you need. Americans are being encouraged to stay put at home and reduce all non-essential trips but we know you still have to make it the grocery store at some point. The key here is to get what you need and make it stretch for a longer period of time so you don’t have to go out as often. We’re seeing that fresh produce isn’t running out like other food staples. We encourage you to stock up on fresh foods you can easily freeze so can always you have food on hand.
Check out these ways you can freeze fresh produce to use later:

Eggs can last for weeks in the fridge but if you find yourself with extras on hand that are about the go bad (learn how to do the float test here! ) then you can easily freeze them to use later.
Find out how to freeze eggs here:

If you go through a lot of milk in your household, it might be worth picking up an extra gallon while you’re out at the store. If you need to freeze it stretch it even longer, check out how to do so here.

It doesn’t seem that greens are in shortage at the grocery store. If you can get your hands on spinach, kale, collard greens or swiss chard, grab some extra. Since they won’t last forever (and there’s only so much you can add to smoothies!), see how you freeze them for future meals here.

Freezing bananas is super easy and a great way to save them for future smoothies or banana bread. If you’ve completely forgotten about them on your counter, don’t throw them out, see how easy it is to freeze them here.

Fresh basil is a great food item to pick up because it’s really versatile. It’s great fresh but if you aren’t able to use it all before it goes bad, you can easily freeze it for later or begin the process of making pesto for future meals. Check out how to do it here.

Nothing is easier than freezing tomatoes. You can do it with very little processing, and they come out of freezer still full of flavor and perfect for making soups and sauces. Read how easy it is to do here:

Berries are great to freeze because you can still use them in a handful of ways once they’re thawed. Perfect for smoothies or making a berry sauce, but you can also just throw them on top of oatmeal, pancakes or ice cream! Learn how to freeze berries here.
When you only need a specific amount of broth for a recipe, it’s easy to stick the rest in the fridge and forget about it until it goes bad. Yet it’s a great item to have easily have on hand! Once you open a can or carton of broth, freeze the remaining amount so you always have some on hand. Check out to freeze broth here:
If you want to make your own broth, check out Alane’s easy recipe here.
Cooked Meat

We’re big fans of cooking a whole chicken and using the bones for broth and then having plenty of chicken on hand. We’re also big fans of making a big batch of BurgerFit burgers so you have them for quick and easy meals later on. You can freeze meat that you’ve cooked so you’re ready to use it in a meal at another time. Find out how to properly freeze cooked meat here:
Learn how to stretch your meat further by adding vegetables to it!